Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Hi.. I'm back!

Udah lama ga buka blog ini.. karena lupa password! kangen jg.. liat postingan2 lama.. jadi malu sendiri. hehehe.. Well, been a while and things changed (a lot!) last time I posted on this blog is in 2009, now 2012.. Inget cowo yg aku ceritain di movie review "Night at a museum 2"? I'm married now with him!! can you believe that? waktu itu aku mikir.. ketemu lg aja ga mungkin banget.. because of one thing to another... but look at me now.. been married with the guy I thought I never met again.

Ternyata, hidup itu emang so unpredictable! So, yg sekarang lagi upset, waiting, hoping, dreaming.. keep your head up and pray! things will change, sooner or later. 

Hmm.. seharian ini sibuk buka web yg ngasih free template buat blog.. jadilah blog ini hasil "kerja keras" seharian.. masih belum selesai.. masih mau nambah ini itu, biar cute hehehe.. Sebelumnya nama blog ini "Me, Myself, and I" tapi karena sekarang I'm not myself anymore, I mean, I'm not just me, I'm with my hubby now. hahha. so I changed my blog name, as you can see it. Tomorrow I will find a way to make a signature on every post.. I'm a blogger rookie xD

So, post again tomorrow (I guess..)