Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Demi Lovato

Have you ever watch Camp Rock? well, I do.. ^^ and iIjust read on wikipedia.com that Lovato and Selena Gomez.. remember her? selena gomez?? she played as Alex in Wizzard Of Weaverly Place (see on my movie review.. that's a good one) are best friend. iI prefer Selena Gomez rather than Demi Lovato.. I think Demi was too mature than her age.. she was born on 1992, but for God's sake.. she look much.. much.. older than her age.. see?? Selena Gomez is cuttierrrr (hohohoho) than Demi Lovato.. agree?? if you don't agree with me.. stop reading my post..
I am familiar with both of the girls.. they're Lovato and Gomez.. but.. who the hell is the 3th girl?? huh??