Christian Bale and Steve Zahn starring in Rescue Dawn, an action drama by Werner Herzog and based on the director’s acclaimed 1997 documentary, Little Dieter Needs to Fly. Dieter Dengler The project, which has been coming together in fits and starts during the past year, begins shooting in Thailand in mid-August.
The film recounts the true story of German-born Dieter Dengler (May 22, 1938 - February 7, 2001) who was a United States Navy pilot during the Vietnam War. He was the sole survivor of an escape attempt from a Pathet Lao prison camp in Laos.
Werner Herzog’s Rescue Dawn, produced by Steve Marlton & Elton Brand is set to open in USA on July 20, 2007.
When being interviewed about his play as Dieter Dengler under the direction of the notoriously eccentric Herzog, it stands to reason that this wasn’t his average adventure-film shoot, like Batman. And indeed there were reports of perilous stunts and of fights between Bale and Herzog, most of which the actor pooh-poohs.
About the rumours Bale said that Werner isn’t as dangerous or crazy as people think. "He is a really intriguing guy who is full of so many surprises.
But don’t believe all the crazy rumours you’ve read. No guns were pulled on me. Yes, we found ourselves in precarious situations in Thailand, where the most bizarre circumstances can happen".
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